uang,,duit,,money,,geld,,or whatever the term .....the object is in love by some or most or even all people ... (including me ...;)) ... no matter that want a change or even a flyer money than most small par .. until the largest nominal ...now does most of the par (for rupiah) 100 thousand ... maybe 2 or 3 years longer existing banknotes of 200 or 500 thousand ....

not only necessary and desirable ... but also very difficult to get ....once as a kid .. that we know just ask and ask ... no matter how our parents get it .. if not .. well give cry ....hehehehheehenow ... as adults we just know it's how to make it hard for mercy ...many persons justifies any means for getting objects that can be used to buy whatever it is ...ranging from stealing ... rob Ngepet ... gambling ... .. ask the same old people .. and many others do ....if today's sophisticated technology is still ... .. so people can find the money through the internet ....
now ... I am again trying to find money ... (heehehehhe) with follow-up one of the sites that can give us a number of nominal money with easy way ... to simply press a keyboard button ... we have to money ...Well ... it does not mean to be that easy ... we must wait until some time it can only be disbursed money ....
anyway .. besides important that money can make you dizzy ... stress and there are even people who until crazy because of money ...
so for you who do not want crazy ...
passable money for me ...
how ...??
I'm so nice, right ...? ;)

ohh...money.....come to mama.....^_*