after the rain the past few days,the entire stock area inundated by floods .. plus more with the development that makes the water can not flow out so that some water entered homes and difficult to get out ... what does not, the channel normally used for the flow of water, covered by a housing development around the region The ...this is really very detrimental to local residents, especially residents whose homes were flooded by water ..disease began to appear and the part of the housing would not want to bother with it all ..was just recently there are people who suggested the construction of sewers to make for the water to flow back out ...but not that easy, many of the constraints faced by the workers who built the ditch ..among others, the rain which fell constantly, so they abandoned the job .. not to mention the people who get angry, upset because their travel disrupted by road works ...was not an easy thing ...but we all hope that construction can selokannya cepa completed and wargapun not fret anymore ...