if you're one who likes cats, probably the types of cat below can be one of your choice ...
  • Cats Toyger
Toyger is a medium-sized cat with fur like a bengal. Toyger have temperamin good with good health and relatof resistant to disease.Ideal color is dark orange with black stripes like the tiger. Striped pattern should be elongated without any spots. Small and round ears. Overall pertulangan Toyger have a solid structure and balance.
Race cat is the result of crossbreeding with the domestic cat bengal. The goal is to generate a small tiger who can be invited to play and kept in the house. Toyger word itself is an abbreviation of "Toy Tiger" (tiger who can be invited to play).
Race Toyger discovered and developed by Judy Sugden, owner of a Cattery in America named "EEYAAS Cattery". Toyger generated by crossing domestic cats striped (tabby) short-haired, with Tabby Bengal Standard. After years of hard work, marriage these cats produce cats with color stripes like a tiger.
This race is still in pengembangan.Pertama times recognized for registration by The International Cat Association (Tica) in the early 1990s. Some breeders in the U.S. and Britain tried to develop this race. Toyger get the status of Preliminary New Breed in 2000. And in May of 2007 is expected to gain full status in the contest cat (Championship status).
This article is taken from the cat Toyger kucingkita.com article. Actually wanted to write about race this cat with his own sentence. But due to chance is there that I wrote it already published Master course.
  • Ras Cats Tiffany
This time we will discuss the Ras Cats Tiffany. How and what kind of cat is this?
Around 1967 in New York, United States .... Neotype Cattery owner named Jennie Robinson to buy a house and turned out in home sales, they also received a package a couple of cats as well.
Cat name is Thomas and Shirley. But not known about the background and the type of cat from its parent. Type cat has a brown color and fluffy semi longhair and semi-foreign body type.
Eventually the couple gave birth to six cats were kittens. Strangely all kittens like her a light brown solid.
Then Jennie Robinson makes a cat pengembangbiakkan program. Precisely in 1970 Jennie Thomas and Shirley register their cats and their children to the ACA (American Association paint)
Some experts suspect that cats serve targeted only the descendants of the Burmese. But they do not have the sepia color that are characteristic burnese. Some cats tersebur sold to Sigyn Lund (Burmese cat breeder). Then he introduced the race Tifanny
Because the numbers are slightly ACA Race Cat Tiffany finally remove this. But not long ago in Canada there are many cat lovers who find this race and decided to preserve them.
Tiffany cat traits:

* Medium Sized
* Semi-foreign body type
* Weight gain between 4-5 kg
* The head is almost like a triangle
* Short snout
* Small chin
* Big ears
* Wide cheek bones
* Having a tail adorned with soft fur
* Eye color is gold
* Of course, typical of a brown cat species
These cats really like humans .. though not too lazy and industrious.
  • Maine Coon cats
Maine Coon cats come from USA, Maine. But the origins of this cat was not known, try to compare with Birman cat or turkish van which we already know how its origin. This post terisnpirasi and taken from the Maine Coon cat blogs.
In general, the characteristics of Maine Coon cats are as follows:

* Body length of fiber rather large and quadrangular
* Eyes wide and oval
* Nose wide and curved at the edges
* The tail length and width
* Having strong bones and muscles
* Big ear (the width at the bottom)
* Forehead curved
* Very prominent cheek muscles
* As described above fur thick and water resistant (slightly oily)
Maine Coon cats can survive in the snow and cold though because it has a thick fur and anti-water, plus there is a very thick fur on the legs, abdomen and neck.
These cats have a great body. For male cats weighing between 6-9 kg only. As for female cats 4-6 kg. Maine Coon also has eyes and ears of the hearing reflects the ability penglihatkan and more.
  •  Siamese cats
Siamese cats originated in that country called Siam. You do not know that country? Now the country called Thailand. That is why most people I know use Indonesian Siamese cat to call this type of cat.
So Siamese cats and Siamese cats are one type. And only distinguished by a name only. What was the point of a name is not it? As the error said the Angora cat.
Yes indeed many famous cats of asean contohlah Birman cat who is also from Burma. Even the Abyssinian cat who may also have the possibility of asean.
Siamese cat is the first time in Europe is now this cat as a gift to the English ambassador. Then like a Siamese cat is estimated to be in english then eropa.Ciri popule Siamese cats are as follows (and according to the most unique I wrote like a cat, because it really different but still wrote Luci):

* The length of the body, slender and muscular
* Her body is slender and graceful
* Small head and triangular
* Muzzle pointed,
* Blue-eyed
* Ears Wide
* Short and silky hair
* There is a contrasting color on the ends of the body such as feet, ears, mouth, tail, nose and around eyes
The nature of the Siamese cat or Siamese cats are always curious and hyperactive. Sometimes it is also annoying because it was too noisy.
  • Birman cat
From the name we already know where this cat? Yep really did not like cats turkish van that may be considered to be those derived from the Turkish state, but does not he? Birman cats come from the state of Burma.
These cats usually live at the temple. In fact there is a belief if the cat is dead shrine. So the cat's soul will be accompanied by the ghost of a special priest (humans).
According to a historical record. Birman cat began to spread around the world such as the Ragdoll in 1919. Are two nationals peracis namely Auguste Pavie and Gordon Russell who won a prize pair of Birman cats for helping the priests of the temple. But dear dear thousand male cat died on the way but luckily a female cat is pregnant. So congratulations deh.
Although finally had time to grow in 1925, but due to economic recession and world war. Race cat back akhrinya shrink as well.
But after the end of the second world war slowly but surely, race cat is finally growing again. Until finally in 1966 the English acknowledge race as a kind murni.Lalu Burmese cats what the characteristics of this cat type.

* Weight loss of 4-6 kg.
* The pattern of colors similar to the Colour point with more pale on the ears, face, legs and tail.
* Tail and neck feathers of the most prominent is thick and smooth
* The length of the cat's body is but the form of strapping.
* Unlike the Abyssinian cat who has long ears. This cat-sized ears and curved.
* Cats are very fond of humans.

below is a sleeping cat videos ... see is ...


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